Presentation By Luke Woodford – 14/05/2019

Sony sponsored presentation by guest photographer, Luke Woodford

Luke Woodford, photographer presented his talk on how and why he became a photographer, how he and Mandy began to where they are now.

The talk was accompanied by Sony’s display of their latest camera and lens equipment, demonstrated by Sead Kahrimanovic. Representatives from Wilkinson Cameras, Jonathan and Joseph were also present to give out some discount vouchers.

Luke initially had no real interest in photography and became instantly converted when he first bought and used a camera. A desire to break free of the 9 to 5 work routine, a free wedding shoot and a couple of cut-price wedding shoots later he gradually built up his brand and reputation and delved deeply into the art side of photography.

His partner Mandy who he had known for some time became his go to model and together they formed a formidable duo producing fine work in a variety of settings, often Urbex type locations, mostly using natural light though more recently they have been using artificial light. Luke works with Sony on occasions at various events. Having previously been a Nikon user.  He speaks highly of the capabilities of Sony cameras that give him the ability to take “a more art, less tech approach” which suits his way of working. Camera built-in image stabilisation, excellent high ISO performance and eye AF working very much in his favour.

Luke followed the mantra “shoot what you love”, shoot for yourself!  Building a financially stable business has had its ups and downs, however through serious networking, creating opportunities, creating demand and putting his work out there while at the same time dealing with rejection he has come through and continues to experiment and learn on the job. One piece of advice? Shoot different genre, it’s challenging and makes us work harder at getting results. Luke is more open to ideas and loves to be spontaneous.

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