Membership details


  • The annual membership fee is £40.
  • Membership renewal date is January each year.
  • Member joining between January to April inclusively pays £40 for membership. Joining between May and August inclusively pays £28. Joining between September and December inclusively pays £14.
  • Full members enjoy the full use of our website, attending free monthly meetings, and pay member’s rates for activities (if any costs incurred). Full members can also participate in free workshops (unless costs incurred), and the ‘publications to share’ scheme.
  • Activity costs will be divided by all attending members and guests.
  • Guest pays £3 for each visit to either meeting, or activity, or workshop.

Terms and Conditions for use of website

The administrators of Liverpool Chinatown Photographic Society will remove or edit any generally objectionable material as soon as possible, though it is impossible to review every post. Therefore you acknowledge that all posts made to this site express the views and opinions of the author and not the administrators or webmaster (except for posts by these people) and hence will not be held liable.

You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-oriented or any other material that may violate any applicable laws. You agree that the webmaster, administrators and moderators of Liverpool Chinatown Photographic Society have the right to remove or edit any content at any time should they see fit. As a user you agree to any information you have entered above being stored in a server-side database. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent the webmaster and administrators cannot be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to the data being compromised.

This site uses cookies to store information on your local computer. These cookies serve only to improve your viewing pleasure. The email address is used only for confirming your registration details and password.

Members maintain their full copyright of their photos.

By applying for your membership, you automatically have agreed to and accepted our terms and conditions.

Disabled Members

Members with disabilities (Disability Discrimination Act for Private Members’ Clubs & Societies)

Where possible, LCPS makes every effort to provide events that are accessible to members with disabilities. Please note that due to the nature of the Society (i.e. a multi-activity Society) some activities may not be suitable for some people with a disability to attend.

Health & Safety Policy

Liverpool Chinatown Photographic Society’s Health and Safety policy is as follows:

Society and Committee responsibilities:

It is the responsibility of the Society and Committee Members and organisers of Society events to provide a safe environment for the activities undertaken including:

  • Reviewing the activities being organised and undertaken to ensure that any risks are identified in advance and any necessary actions to minimise the risks are implemented.
  • Ensuring that Members and other attendees are briefed on any particular health and safety issues relating to the event.
  • Providing a Committee Member or other responsible person to lead the event and be the point of contact for any health and safety issues which may arise.
  • The Society cannot accept liability for any member/guest participating in field trips; however, the Society does promote reducing risks to health and safety to as low a level as reasonably practical through suitable risk assessments for such trips.
  • Appointments for first aiders.
  • Ensuring a first aid kit is available at the Society meeting venue and on field trips.

Members’ personal responsibilities:

Members have a personal responsibility to:

  • Act responsibly at club events for the safety of themselves and others.
  • Report any concerns to a committee member or the Health & Safety officer who will raise the matter with the committee, or take immediate action if necessary.
  • Inform committee members or event organisers, in confidence, of any medical condition they have which may impinge upon a meeting or event. Members with such conditions are expected to carry with them any necessary medication and to be aware of how to use it.

Fire and Evacuation:

At the beginning of each meeting, those in attendance should be made aware of the location of emergency exits and whether any fire alarm tests are scheduled to be carried out during the progress of the meeting. Members should also be made aware of the location of the assembly point should evacuation of the building be required. In the event of a fire, members must:

  • Activate the nearest fire alarm and ensure that the appropriate emergency services are summoned.
  • Evacuate the building without endangering others in the process.
  • Go straight to the fire meeting point on the pavement opposite Wah Sing Chinese Community Centre.
  • The appointed member will carry out a role call to ensure all members and guests are safely out of the building.


  • Anyone using the Society’s equipment must be competent to do so without placing themselves or the Society or Members at risk.
  • Equipment officers will be trained to operate the Society’s equipment, and to give advice to members if needed.
  • Trip hazards from trailing wires will be mitigated by the use of cable covers.


In the event of an accident, a member of the Committee must be informed and they will decide on the appropriate course of action to take, which may involve summoning external help.

Accident Book must be kept up to date with records of any accidents.


Chair – Wing W Wong
Vice-Chair – Norman Jou
Treasurer – Tommy Wong
Secretary – Bill Plews
Committee Member – Sue Mannings
H & S Officer
Committee Member – June Poston
Committee Member – Walter Eaton

Working Group Members

Ray Shum Website Manager
Jeff Starley Photoshop Mentor
Dave Ellison Photoshop Mentor
John Sung
Venue Provider
David Hynes
Exhibition Curator
Dave Leeke
Equipment Officer
Trevor Green
H & S Officer, Equipment Officer

Liverpool Chinatown Photographic Society © 2025

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